America's Foremost Transgender Woman
  • © 1999-2024 by Renee Reyes and All Rights Reserved. 0


I just started the process of completely redesigning the content of With hundreds of pages already in existence, this endeavor will take some time. of the webpage for my gender. In addition, I often put in 60 hours a week at work.

My writing and visuals are unique works of art covered by copyright. I spent hundreds of hours compiling this data. Should you wish to reword or utilize my information? Would you please be so kind as to quote me, or at the very least, indicate where you found the information?

I care about your ideas and would love to know your thoughts! Unfortunately, I’m rarely responsive to direct emails. My post transition life is just too busy…so sorry!

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It's now been over
twenty-five years since I uploaded a few all-about-me pages and personal photos that marked the beginning of
Since that time, trans world has evolved dramatically.

Thank you - for being here!

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Transgender Help Guides

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Trans Beginners Guide

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Trans Beginners Guide

Just starting out exploring alternative gender expression?

This section details tips and insights for both beginning cross dressers and skilled part-time transgender women.

Trans Love and Dating Tips

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Transgender Love and Dating Manual

Do you want to meet / date / love a transsexual female? Already in love with a TS and need more answers?

The web's original insider's guide to trans dating success.

Gender Transition Guide

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Gender Transition Guide

A comprehensive guide for transsexuals starting or already mired in an MTF gender transition.

It's not easy. I wouldn't wish a gender transition on my worst enemy.

This section includes real world practical insights from myself and other trans women who made it work.

About Renee Reyes

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All About Renee Reyes

Information about yours truly.

Includes my personal photo galleries, my earlier blogs from before I transitioned, and highlights from my insane life story.

Transgender 101

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Transgender 101

Are you new to trans world?

This section serves as an introductory guide to the wide world of transgenderism.

It explains the unusual terms you'll often hear, what they mean - and how to make sense of it all.

Brazilian Buttocks Guide

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Brazilian Butt Lift Tips Guide

Are you wanting to create a larger and more feminine derriere?

Detailed tips and insights for anyone looking to get their booty enhanced based upon my own journey and insights. Includes how to spot the scams are what to be most careful of in your decision process.

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Featured Favorites

My Husband Watches Shamale Porn

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I caught my husband watching transgender porn

Did you find your husband's secret stockpile of transgender porn films?


Does this mean your man is interested in other men? It's not as strange as you think.

Transgender Millionaires

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Transgender Success Stories

Transgender women are becoming more visible and asserting themselves.

We no longer need to be victims; instead, we should set a good example. Adequate funding for projects vital to the trans community will have to come from our own pockets in the coming years. Our personal success is critical.