America's Foremost Transgender Woman
TS Dating Gude
TS Dating Gude
  • © 1999-2024 by Renee Reyes and All Rights Reserved. 0

TS Dating Gude


Meeting a Transsexual Woman

How you approach your first meeting with a potential transgender partner depends on both of your circumstances mainly based upon her degree of confidence being in public and her status with being “out”.


Also, I hate to be a pessimist, but few people from on-line turn out quite like envisioned. If you've seen a photo of her, don't be shocked if she looks a little different in real life. Girls sometimes cut, trim, and recolor their photo's to death. I'm not saying all girls do this - but some do. If you've seen pictures of her in almost nothing - with lost of flesh? You'll pretty much know exactly what you’re getting. If the photo is a single, fully clothed, or head shot - her looks are still a crap shoot. She likely chose from 100 - to get that one - and reality might be a bit different.

Another difference? If you've ever met a famous television or screen star, one of your first thoughts is typically: they're much smaller than I envisioned. With trans-girls, the opposite often holds true.

We tend to seem larger in real life - than you'd envision from our on-line photo's. I'm 5’8 - 160lb. By natural female standards? I'm not petite. If I'm wearing high heels - I rise to six feet in a hurry. Remember this - when your dainty pen pal walks up - and looks down upon you at your first meeting. Just enjoy all the extra real estate.

Chapters Included in this section on this subject, include:

Connecting with a TS at "straight" Venues
The Dreaded First Phone Call
Meeting at Transgender Friendly Nightclubs
First Meeting with a Potential TS Partner