

The Shemale Transsexual

If your interest in transsexual women was born from erotic imagery of “shemales” - you’re in for a rude awakening if you try turning those fantasy images into reality.


Real transsexual women aren’t usually into much of what you find alluring in tranny porn flicks. Most aren’t willing - even able - to deliver many fantasies you might envision.

Thus, there’s a huge disconnect between your shemale fantasies and a transsexual woman’s reality.

For Additional Information on this subject?

You Might like these sections…

Meeting a Transgender Woman 101
Meet Your Transsexual Love Guide
Shemale Porn
Shemale Transsexuals
What is Transsexual?
Transsexual Women 201
The People Attracted to Transsexuals
Women with Transsexuals
Shemale Dating
Shemale Sex
Finding True Love with a Transsexual Woman

hot tranny.

Wait: Isn’t a Shemale Actually a Transsexual Woman?

Sort of - but there’s a big difference. The term “shemale” was invented by the porn industry to help market erotic imagery of pre-operative transsexual women. However, the lifestyles and sexual interests represented in these movies are polar to most real transsexual’s leanings.

Are the intimate desires of straight women featured in XXX movies just like the natural-born women you’ve known or dated?

Shemale vs Transsexual

Of course not.

We’re NOT a Woman - with a Penis “Attached”

As I mentioned earlier, when most men watch shemale porn what they see and perceive is a woman - with a penis “attached”. That’s not what we are.

We’re transsexual women. We were born male with female brain configuration. We spent years feeling lost and ugly because of this mistake. We went through hell with our life, our friends, our family and our futures making changes to bring our mind and bodies in congruence.

Shemale trap

Shemale Porn is the Bane of Most Transsexual Women’s Existence

Most transsexual women dread meeting a guy whose attraction was born from watching XXX trans movies. Imagine if natural women faced the challenge - if almost every guy they met only knew about women from watching pornography and from that? He surmised what women felt, wanted and liked.

That - is exactly what transsexual women often face when we date men. What these men want, need and expect is derived from fantasies created through shemale erotica.

This often creates a basis for frustration with both parties.

Transsexual vs. Crossdresser

Where Do You Go from Here?

Still want to try and make your transsexual dream a reality? That - is what this section and the hundreds of pages of original content I took the time to write are designed to help achieve. Transsexuals are not for everybody. However, for some? We’re the most fulfilling path towards complete sexual and emotional contentment.

Ranking Priorities for Your Transsexual Girlfriend

We created our list of “perfect” features in the last section and learned why it's unlikely we’ll find all these attributes in one singular transsexual woman. Thus, we need to determine what’s negotiable and what’s not - when it comes to finding your best match.
Let’s discuss those components more fully:

Transsexual Girlfriend TRadeoffs

Additional chapters Included in this section, include:

Transsexual Girlfriend: Picking a Match
TS Dating - How to Find the Best Match
TS Girlfriend Dating - The Ten Best Options
Transgender Dating - Common Mistakes
Tranny Dates - How to Succeed
Shemale Love: What's Most Important?
TS Dating: Answers to Common Questions

A beautiful transsexual woman

Let’s face it: everybody adores beauty. Most drop-dead women…trans or otherwise - either select partners equally attractive or who have financial resources they feel their looks deserve. Do you fit in either of these categories? If not? Perhaps we should settle for “attractive”.

A completely passable transsexual woman

Mot guys want a “completely passable” TS woman because they don’t want anyone to know she’s actually transgender. That’s an unrealistic expectation and puts a lot of pressure on your transsexual partner. Completely passing takes years of practice and skills to develop. Also? If you live in a larger metropolitan area? People will almost always figure it out - if they’re around her often. In such cities everyone is much more trans-aware. In smaller communities? Stealth is much more likely. People rarely stop to consider a woman might be transgender.

Asking her to be completely stealth also requires she disconnect from lots of friends and trans-gatherings. Again, that’s not always fair.

I would advise that you be fair and realistic with this criteria.


Yep, no way around this one. If she’s not available? Can’t date her.

A Transsexual Woman

Dating Part Time Trans GIrls

Most guys wanting a transgender partner desire a "TS" woman - a gal who lives 24/7 and identifies completely as female. The paradox of that choice? Most of those same TS women intend to eventually get GRS whereas almost no cross dresser or DRAG Queen has dreams or plans in that regard.

shemale trap

A Fully Functional Penis

Again, we’re facing a trade off. The longer a gal’s been or hormones and testosterone blockers - the more lovely she usually looks and acts - due to practice, experience, surgeries, etc.

However, all those years of HRT means her penis is far less functional.

No Plans to Change her Genital Configuration

Getting GRS is a very personal decision based upon a lifelong battle with gender identity. Also, as I discussed previously, not completing GRS puts you in a gray-zone from a legal and health-care standpoint that adds lots of undo drama to your life. Also, can you imagine the fear she faces if she were ever arrested and incarcerated? Ugh!

TS GIrlfriend

Attracted to Men

The majority of transsexual women are attracted to women and other transsexuals. You’re not going to be able to change her sexual orientation any more easily than she could convince you to start dating gay men.

Drug Free

As I mentioned, drugs are rampant with some trans girls. In this instance? You need to define what’s acceptable: zero tolerance? Weed? Etc.

Disease Free

I know of several exceptional transsexual women who are HIV dormant: meaning - they contracted the virus but its now dormant and they can’t give it to a partner.


You need to decide which of the wide variety of medical circumstances you might encounter would be acceptable.

Breast Augmentation

Most guys love full breasts. Honestly, we girls love getting them, as well. However, they’re expensive and mean we must be full-time before adding them. You must decide: are smaller hormone-induced breasts good enough? Is a slender girl without augmentation okay?

Long, beautiful hair that’s all her own

Lots of guys want this feature but rarely find it. Very few trans women’s hair is completely their own - even less so as they age.

Sexy Transsexuala

I would settle for what I could get in this department. Hugs!

Not looking to get paid for visiting with you

As I previously discussed, I’m a big fan of guys starting their journey with transgender escorts since I find it subsequently reduces their anxiety with meeting a TS woman and they find out if this sort of sexual connection was really as fulfilling as they first fantasized.

However, most guys don’t want to pay for love from their long-term girlfriend.

Relatively drama-free.

As I shared, a gender transition is usually devastating on a gal’s life. Thus, some degree of drama is only natural. You’ll need to envision what sort of boundaries are acceptable. Some men are natural nurturers and caretakers. Thus, a gal whose sometime reduced to tears and in need of a strong shoulder is fulfilling to them. To other men? They can’t handle such emotional outbursts.

Rank Your List

Okay - those are your dream-girl components to consider. You might also want to compare what you bring to this potential union in comparison to other guys she might date: we don’t live in a vacuum.


We’ll look at ten case studies of guys I know who modified their expectations and found happiness and love in trans-world.
